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The report on “Gender-Smart Investing for Inclusive Growth in North Africa” finds that Government support, focused on removing key obstacles and providing incentive structures through well-tailored programs, policies and frameworks, could encourage increased gender-lens investing from the private sector and Development Finance Institutions (DFIs). Such interventions would improve the probability of success and the scale of potential benefits.

The report recommends that DFIs, International Finance Institutions (IFIs), international actors, and impact funds can expand their footprint in countries such as Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Mauritania, and Egypt. These stakeholders should adopt a holistic approach which extends beyond simply providing women with access to capital. The private sector should be also incentivized to boost interventions in support of female-owned businesses and entrepreneurs. A value-chain approach often works well in this regard by sourcing from female-owned businesses and providing them with financial, training, mentoring and broader support mechanisms.

The report serves as an essential resource for policymakers, investors, international organizations, and other stakeholders looking to encourage gender equality, a more inclusive business environment, and enhanced private sector participation in the region.

Arabic version will be available soon.

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Categories: Gender, Publications
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