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The report presents the main findings of a survey carried out by ECA in Algeria in the second quarter of 2021. The report, which involved in-person interviews with representatives of 985 business enterprises, sheds light on the key factors that can strengthen the contribution of businesses to the development of the Algerian economy, including innovation, the development of workers’ skills and job creation for certain sectors of the population, particularly women and skilled workers.

The survey revealed that, on average, companies pay little attention to innovation, and that the importance given by companies to innovation is closely correlated with the importance they attach to digitalization. It also appears that a focus on innovation helped bolster the resilience of companies during the COVID-19 crisis. These and other findings from the survey, and an awareness of the structural weaknesses identified in the Government recovery plan, can guide public policy formulation. The report concludes by proposing three areas for reform, each of which incorporates a climate change adaptation dimension, and relevant actions. These include:

  • Developing entrepreneurship policies that address the needs of specific entrepreneur categories, while ensuring that public policies are aligned and address the full spectrum of challenges encountered by certain business enterprises.
  • Stimulating innovation through the adoption of a multidimensional approach that focuses.
  • Significantly enhancing the financial resources available to small and medium-sized enterprises.
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Categories: Innovation & Technology, Publications
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