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Knowledge Portal ECA North Africa
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This paper provides a brief overview of key supply and demand trends in North African labour markets. It focuses on those trends and shortcomings that have become more pronounced during the pandemic. The paper considers the issue of employment, including regarding both the quantity and quality of jobs, which will be a key challenge for the North Africa subregion in the years ahead. The paper then examines the impact of the pandemic on the economies of the North Africa subregion, particularly in terms of growth and employment, but also in terms of economic oversight, structural reforms and risks to be monitored in the short and medium term. The analysis of growth will focus on sectoral effects and on disruptions and uncertainties that have influenced the behaviour of resident and non-resident economic agents, particularly business enterprises. As regards the analysis of the impact on those who supply labour, the paper reviews the impact on specific categories of workers, including young people, women and those in low-paid jobs. This paper comprises three main sections. Section I provides an overview of labour markets within the subregion and the key challenges they face. In Section II, the author assesses the impact of the pandemic on production, jobs and different categories of workers, while in Section III the author sets forth a number of guidelines for the post-COVID-19 period.

File Type: pdf
Categories: Publications, Social Development & Employment
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