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Statistical data are essential for the monitoring and evaluation of the progress of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Agenda 2063 of the African Union. But it is not enough merely to produce more data; in order for them to be useful in economic policymaking and monitoring and evaluating the impact of these policies, and also to ensure accountability, these data must be of good quality and reliable. The celebration by the United Nations of its second World Statistics Day (in October 2015), under the slogan “Better data for a better life”, highlighted the need for countries to have at their disposal good quality, up-to-date and disaggregated data to be able to identify problems and inform policy development in support of sustainable development. The design and implementation of comprehensive approaches in the area of statistical capacity development are essential, therefore, both for countries and development cooperation stakeholders.

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Categories: Macroeconomic Policy, Publications