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Reducing Africa’s Skills Gap

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This webinar will be an opportunity to present the main conclusions and recommendations of the upcoming report on “Human Capital and Productive Employment Creation: Addressing Africa’s Skills Gap” and discuss how African countries can use the symbiotic relationship between skills supply and related sector developments to generate a virtuous chain reaction to accelerate their development […]

Female Entrepreneurship in North Africa: The Role of Finance and Digital Skills

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This webinar will be an opportunity to shed light on: - Financing challenges female entrepreneurs are faced with in North Africa - How governments and stakeholders can help change cultural beliefs and norms that hinder female entrepreneurship - What skills and funding types are best suited to foster the development of female entrepreneurship in North […]

Atelier Final : Mise en place d’un mécanisme national de reconnaissance des compétences des travailleurs migrants (Sur invitation)

Seen Hôtel Avenue Lamblin, Rue Colomb, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire

Atelier de «Mise en place d’un mécanisme national de reconnaissance des compétences des travailleurs migrants » Seen Hôtel, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire 11 et 12 mai 2023. L’analyse du cadre institutionnel de travail et des systèmes de reconnaissance de compétences en Côte d’Ivoire, fait ressortir le besoin d’un mécanisme national de reconnaissance des compétences et la […]