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Workshop on “Developing Regional Value Chains in E-Mobility for Zambia, Morocco, and DRC”

Hôtel Farah Place du 16 Novembre, Hassan, Rabat

The development of electric mobility value chains in the subregion of North Africa aims to enable the continent to capture a larger share of the growing global electric vehicle battery market, estimated to be worth US$8 trillion by 2025 and US$46 trillion by 2050. Building on an existing automotive ecosystem and potential battery ecosystem, the […]

Side Event: Supporting Female-Led Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Earthquake-Affected Areas in Morocco at the Arab SMEs Summit 2023

Earthquakes can have devastating effects on communities, causing significant economic and social disruptions. In such contexts, empowering female entrepreneurs can play a crucial role in the recovery and resilience-building efforts. Supporting female-led MSMEs in earthquake-affected areas is not just about economic recovery but also about promoting gender equality and empowerment. It can lead to more […]